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This is the eConestoga Homepage Standardization project I got to work on for the UI design. This project involved a lot in addressing the needs of the students and faculty members. I designed a user interface for both students and faculty members. Each interface displays different information for the two audiences in slightly different colour themes to differentiate. Even though faculty members can access both homepage versions, students only see the design targeted for them. There was a lot learned throughout this project and practicing user experience methods as well as building up on my user interface knowledge.
This is the eConestoga Homepage Standardization project I got to work on for the UI design. This project involved a lot in addressing the needs of the students and faculty members. I designed a user interface for both students and faculty members. Each interface displays different information for the two audiences in slightly different colour themes to differentiate. Even though faculty members can access both homepage versions, students only see the design targeted for them. There was a lot learned throughout this project and practicing user experience methods as well as building up on my user interface knowledge.